Thursday, February 17, 2011

Farm Reality Check

Reality check for the farm. We've got 5 ram lambs. Ram lambs produce one product; MEAT. Raising these cute little lambs for slaughter is a hard concept to own. The reality is that meat has to come from somewhere. The best I can do is commit to treating my stock right. I've applied for certification with Animal Welfare Approved. I want to be set straight if I'm not treating my stock to the highest standards. They'll send someone out to visit the farm and make sure I'm doing it right.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Expanding the Farm

We expanded the farm this year! A flock of ploy pay sheep now graces the farm. The flock started with 4 ewes. Lambing season has blessed us with 6 lambs so far. Here is a quick peak of the flock.

Locker lambs will be available in the fall.